Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Our Dear World

So I've been out of the blogging scene for a while because on Easter weekend my camera stopped working. It was almost like I broke my arm except if that had been the case I would at least still have an arm to carry around. Needless to say I sent in my poor Nikon to get well and I have yet to get it back. I'm pretty sure the shutter stopped working; if you know what that means you probably just made a painful sound in your head like I would have but if you don't know what it means, it really just means my camera won't work at all and no photos can be made!

Luckily I have some great friends who like me enough to trust me with their cameras and to be my models. Meagan is amazing for lending me Gregory the Canon and Lois is great for being our prop.
I've been pretty enamored lately by a photo project called Dear World led by photographer, Robert X. Fogarty. If you haven't heard of it I'm sure you will soon, or you could just Google it right it. Anyway, I've been trying to get on as an intern with this amazing project and I wanted to do a really cheesy project of my own to help me in my search for an internship. Meg and Lois came out to help and this is what we came up with.  

 I asked Lois and Meg what they wanted to say to the world and this is what they came up with. Lois, like a lot of art majors, had only one thing to say to people who hate and Meg came up with her favorite quote.

This is part of the series I came up with to attempt to get a place in Dear World; it is one of the messages to Robert X. Fogarty.

Okay this last one was purely for fun. We shot three separate photos and I attempted to make it one full image.  

1 comment:

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