I'm sad to say that tomorrow my little brother will be attending a funeral for one of his buddies. My brother is 16 years old and he's going to say goodbye to a guy he played football with for a few years now. I knew this boy only through watching Bubby play football and I knew him to be very passionate and good at the game. What exactly went so wrong in his life that made him end it may never be known, but I wish that such pain did not exist in our world.
There is so much good in this world and I want everyone to be able to see and experience it. Not one person, as a teen or even as an adult, should have to endure something so terrible that they think life is not worth living. Life should always be worth living. Even when we are down, lessons can be learned and happiness can be found. I wish I had the power to save the life of at least one during my time here. I wish we all did. Because if each and every one of us had that power then no one would need to suffer.
I want to ask everyone to try and make this happen, if you can. Make it your life goal to help at least one person. If you save one, then hopefully, your life will be more fulfilled. Know that your life is worth a lot, to yourself and to others, even if you don't know it. You are beautiful to me and I'm sure I am not the only person who thinks so.
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